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Frequently Asked Questions


No matter if you're a first timer or a "seasoned" parent, when it comes to picking the right preschool for your child, there are bound to be some questions.  After looking over these answers, if you still have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call!

Do the students take field trips?

No, we do not take field trips.  Resource people are brought in to add variety to the program.  For example, Fireman Dave is brought in to teach the children about fire awareness and safety.


How do you handle snacks?

Due to the increased number of allergy and sensitivity issues with food, snacks and drinks are no longer permitted in the classrooms.  Students are encouraged to bring a waterbottle in their backpacks.


How do you handle sick children?

If a child becomes ill at school, he/she is isolated and the parents are notified immediately.  We ask that an ill child not be sent to school as it is difficult to prevent the spread of germs in a group situation.  Students should be free of fever and/or diarrhea for at least 24 hours before returning to class. 


What type of payment do you accept?

Enrollment fees, deposits and monthly tuition can be made by check or cash   and should be mailed to the school office or put in an envelope in the student's backpack.  Some families prefer to use the Bill Pay on their mobile banking, and their bank sends a check directly to us each month.


Is there parent involvement in class?

This year, the school year begins with an online orientation for parents only followed by a child/parent first day of school. Calendars are posted outside each classroom so that parents may sign-up as classroom volunteers.  Parents may also volunteer to help with school events, special programs and fundraisers.  Teachers will begin posting parent volunteer requests in October.


What supplies will my child need?

Every student will need a backpack large enough to hold papers, crafts or other items being sent home. Teacher supply lists were provided in the welcome packet.  Parents may be asked to help provide specific classroom items (tissues, baby wipes, cups, etc.).  


Do you provide school photos?

We hire a professional photography company (LifeTouch) to come in during the fall.  Individual photos and group classroom photos are taken.  A portion of all photo sales is given back to the school PTO.  These photos are optional and fees vary.  


How do I know my child's progress?

Parents have the opportunity to meet with the teachers twice a year during parent-teacher conferences.  They will discuss your child's progress, his/her transition and any areas that may need assistance.  You are welcome to contact our director, Emily Obrovac, anytime during the school year if you have questions or concerns.


How can I get my child registered?

Open public registration takes place in early February for the upcoming school year.  Check the News & Events page for updates.  After the open registration, you are welcome to dropoff your paperwork and enrollment fee in the school office.


Can I purchase items for the classroom?

Most teachers will send home a written request for specific supplies when needed (tissues, baby wipes, etc). Some teachers have a "Giving Tree" posted outside their room on a bulletin board.  Parents will find items that the teachers wish they could have to help in their classrooms.  Remove the tag from the tree, purchase the item and give the item to the teacher.  The PTO also organizes a monetary collection around the holidays to use towards a large item the school or teachers may need.

How will I know about school events?

Stay up to date by following our PTO on Facebook!  Updates are also posted on the News and Events page of this website and the school bulletin board, located by the preschool entrance. Miss Emily sends a weekly email will all pertinent information about the school!  Newsletters and announcements will also be sent home.

What should my child wear?

Children should be comfortable and ready to learn and play.  They will be active in the gym, climbing on the playground, painting in the classroom and so much more.  Please remember that your child will also be using the bathroom on their own.  Belts, tights and snaps/buttons can be challenging.


Is there a Parent Teacher Organization?

Yes!  We have a wonderful PTO that organizes school fundraisers, movie nights, teacher appreciation gifts and events, a monthly school newsletter and much more.  

Check out our PTO on Facebook.  


Is preschool a requirement?

Preschool is not a requirement for entering Kindergarten in the state of Ohio.


What is the church's involvement?

The school started as a missions project through the Stonybrook United Methodist Church but the curriculum is not religious based.


Is a Child Medical Statement needed?

Yes!  Before entering preschool, state law requires eah child to submit a medical form signed by his/her doctor and a health form listing the child's medical history.  Click here for a copy!

Can I see an actual classroom?

Yes!  Come see our teachers and students in action.  We welcome and encourage parents to bring their child on a tour of Stonybrook.  Call our office to set up an appointment.  614-471-3265

You can also click here to see pictures of the individual classrooms.


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